Friday, September 13, 2024

Brand new and shiny

Today we had kind of a new opening of our store. Not that it was ever closed. But we spent a few weeks refurbishig the entire store, and now we are DONE! 😃 We celebrate that buy having a 15% discount of most of the items in the store, today Friday and tomorrow Saturday. AND, I get to sit down demo stuff for you customers. 😍 Today was making a photo album from scratch, plus a few cards. Tomorrow I'll focus on jewelrymaking, but there will be room for cardmaking or photo album making if someone would prefer to see that.

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Long Time No See... and Swedish post

Till mina svenska följare... Jag sÀljer scrapbookmaterial i fem olika Facebookgrupper. Samma saker i alla, sÄ Àr du redan medlem i en av dem...