Thursday, September 26, 2024

Jack Russell

Today I received the two CD's with Jack that I didn't already have. Thank you so much Veronica! One of them was even signed. I've never cared about autographs, but somehow it means a lot to me to have had Jack signing it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Halloween cards and Swedish autumn greeting cards

Finally! Now my Halloween cards and cards with Swedish fall greetings are available both in my Etsy shop and on my Facebook page. Below are a few of them, check Etsy or Facebook to see all, and maybe purchase some. 😃

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cards on Etsy

Don't forget that you can buy my cards on Etsy. 😃 As time flies and it's already mid September, Halloween cards will be available in a few days.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Brand new and shiny

Today we had kind of a new opening of our store. Not that it was ever closed. But we spent a few weeks refurbishig the entire store, and now we are DONE! 😃 We celebrate that buy having a 15% discount of most of the items in the store, today Friday and tomorrow Saturday. AND, I get to sit down demo stuff for you customers. 😍 Today was making a photo album from scratch, plus a few cards. Tomorrow I'll focus on jewelrymaking, but there will be room for cardmaking or photo album making if someone would prefer to see that.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Captain has arrived!

A couple of days ago, the Captain arrived. Well, that's Jack Russell's biography 'The True Tale of Mista Bone', written by K.L. Doty. I've been away from home, so I haven't had the chance to start reading it yet.

It's a 346 pages long book about Jack and his life. Mostly text, but pictures too, I'm not 100% sure I'm ready to start reading it yet, it will be very emotional for me.

Below the images here, I'll list some places where you can get the book.

Internationally I guess the place to get it is Amazon. I don't shop much there myself, due to international shippin.g

If you're in Sweden, AdLibris is without te best place to get it. 
413 Skr and free shipping. If you're patient enought to wait for it for a few weeks.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Live music part 1

Oops, it's been a while again... During the last couple of weeks, my friend Mia and I have been to Engelen three times to hear some live music.

First was Rockprinsen & The Legends. It was our first time seeing them, but definitely not the last time. 😃

Long Time No See... and Swedish post

Till mina svenska följare... Jag säljer scrapbookmaterial i fem olika Facebookgrupper. Samma saker i alla, så är du redan medlem i en av dem...