Saturday, August 24, 2024

RIP Jack

One of my absolute fave singers, or maybe THE fave singer, died last week, only 63 years old. Jack Russell from Great White. He suffered from Lewy body demetia and multiple system atrophy.

Not only has he always been a fave singer of mine. It was also thanks to his words in an interview that I picked up my portrait drawing after an over ten years break. I don't remember the exact words now, but he said something about that if you have been given a gift you are supposed to use it. So, knowing my drawing talent is a gift, I did what he said...

Jack was also the first person I decided to draw after that long break. I sent the finished result to him, and I'm very flattered that he said I'm probably the most talentet artist he has seen. 💓

I had hoped to be able to see him in concert again some time, but that didn't happen. I'm glad to have seen him and Great White at least once, back in 1989.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome portrait Jack would have loved it.


Long Time No See... and Swedish post

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