Thursday, August 8, 2024

Iron Brita's Hut - Järn-Britas Koja

I guess I should post more about what mom and I did during the ten days I spent with her (we didn't do something every day, some days we just stayed at home, working in the garden or getting other things done, as well as just relaxing, playing cards, reading, watching TV etc).

I already made a post about our visit to Axmarbruk the day I arrived. While there, we went to see Järn-Britas Koja (in English, Iron Brita's Hut). It's made of leave shaped pieces of iron, with glass inside to protect from rain and wind. Inside is a room you can rent and spend the night. You get the feeling of being outdoors beneath a forrest of leaves.

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Cards on Etsy

Don't forget that you can buy my cards on Etsy . 😃 As time flies and it's already mid September, Halloween cards will be available ...