Saturday, July 13, 2024

No Horizon for me

Earlier this week, my friend and I went to see Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1. We both had very high expectations. How could a western movie with and by Kevin Costner get wrong? Well, besides the lenght maybe, I would find any three hours movie too long.

For us, I did get wrong. At first, I thought it was just me. I've been down and anxious lately, and thought that maybe I just couldn't concentrate on the movie because of that. But obviously that wasn't the reason, as my friend was highly disappointed, too. We couldn't feel connected to any of the characters, and some of them did a bit of bad acting as well.

Well, the movie itself being kind of plain (although a lot of violence), we could at least hope for some eye candy. We both find Kevin Costner attractive. Yeah, right. During the two hours we saw before actually leaving the movie theater (!!!) he appeared for a total of 5-10 minutes. I don't know about my friend, but my biggest benefit was Sam Worthington and Luke Wilson. The two best actors in the movie, and actually eye candy, too. 😉

Leaving the movie early, we went to Bishops Arms for a beer instead.

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