Tuesday, July 23, 2024

EFIT - July 22

EFIT, Ett Foto I Timmen - A Photo An Hour, is about documenting your life on certain dates, post on your blog and share with other participants. It's one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging again (the other reason is to participate in cardmaking challenges).

Here's my yesterday. If you want to know more about EFIT, and check other participants days, you can do the here.

9AM Doing my usual morning routine before leaving bed - checking the news apps, Messenger and Facebook.

10AM My weekly weight check.

11AM Waiting for the subway.

12PM In the waiting room at the massage clinic.

1PM On the subway home.

2PM Uploading an image of jewelry I made, to Instagram.

3PM Packed a few things I sold on Facebook.

4PM Threw out all boxes I have kept for packing things I sell, from the closet and bookshelf. I will reorganize them by size so I can easily find what I need.

5PM Eating a few potatoe chips. Okay, maybe a bit more than a few...

6PM Will start using the Awesome Marketing Planner for making plans and goals for my crafts.

7PM I realized I've forgot to have dinner. Feeling hungry and want something quick, I fried an egg.

8PM The dishes doesn't do themselves.

9PM My beloved little speaker keeping me company while crafting.


  1. Was supposed to be! Not ? Lol KK jrgw

  2. Välkommen till EFIT-gänget! Det är alltid kul att dokumentera sin dag och att se andras - så vitt skilda dagar!


Incoming mail

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