Saturday, August 24, 2024

RIP Jack

One of my absolute fave singers, or maybe THE fave singer, died last week, only 63 years old. Jack Russell from Great White. He suffered from Lewy body demetia and multiple system atrophy.

Not only has he always been a fave singer of mine. It was also thanks to his words in an interview that I picked up my portrait drawing after an over ten years break. I don't remember the exact words now, but he said something about that if you have been given a gift you are supposed to use it. So, knowing my drawing talent is a gift, I did what he said...

Jack was also the first person I decided to draw after that long break. I sent the finished result to him, and I'm very flattered that he said I'm probably the most talentet artist he has seen. 💓

I had hoped to be able to see him in concert again some time, but that didn't happen. I'm glad to have seen him and Great White at least once, back in 1989.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Incoming postcards

Long time no see again... Ten days. I'm obviously not that good at posting daily...

This week I received several postcards both via Postcrossing and Postcards United. I'm so glad I started getting active there again, I love getting fun snail mail. 😃

From Taiwan

From Canada

From Poland

From U.S.A.

From Japan

From Hong Kong

Monday, August 12, 2024

Incoming postcard

I recently set my Postcard United to active, after not having been active for a four year's break. Last week I received my first postcard, from Germany.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pocketböcker sÀljes

 Sorry, for Swedish followers only. 😊

Jag har rensat i bokhyllan och sĂ€ljer av en massa pocket. 15 kr/st förutom böckerna pĂ„ de tvĂ„ första bilderna, de sĂ€ljs i hela serier, inte separat. Frakt tillkommer. Om du Ă€r intresserad av att köpa, PM:a mig pĂ„ Facebook eller lĂ€mna en kommentar under det hĂ€r inlĂ€gget. Eller maila mig pĂ„ maria (at) creamaria (dot) com (utan mellanslag och sĂ„nt). 

1:a bilden Val McDermids deckarserie om privatdetektiven Kate Brannigan.
SĂ€ljes endast hela serien, inte separat. 60 kr.
PostNord spÄrbar frakt 80 kr.

2:a bilden Val McDermids deckarserie om poliskommissarien Carol Jordan och profileraren Tony Hill (gick som TV-deckare "Mord i sinnet").
SĂ€ljes endast hela serien, inte separat. 50 kr.
PostNord spÄrbar frakt 80 kr.

Övriga böcker hĂ€r nedan Ă€r 15 kr/st.
PostNord spÄrbar frakt 58 kr för en bok.
SjÀlvklart samfrakt vid köp av flera böcker.

Friday, August 9, 2024


One of the things we did when I visited mom was going to Trollharen, very close to where mom lives. My dad used to have a boathouse there. Well, not an actual house, just a place to keep your boat, I don't know the correct English word for that.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Iron Brita's Hut - JĂ€rn-Britas Koja

I guess I should post more about what mom and I did during the ten days I spent with her (we didn't do something every day, some days we just stayed at home, working in the garden or getting other things done, as well as just relaxing, playing cards, reading, watching TV etc).

I already made a post about our visit to Axmarbruk the day I arrived. While there, we went to see JĂ€rn-Britas Koja (in English, Iron Brita's Hut). It's made of leave shaped pieces of iron, with glass inside to protect from rain and wind. Inside is a room you can rent and spend the night. You get the feeling of being outdoors beneath a forrest of leaves.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

A trip to Axmarbruk

Time to catch up with posting about what we've been doing this week. We, that's my mom and I, I am visiting her for ten days during my summer vacation.
One of the things we did on Monday, was a trip to Axmar bruk. We took a walk in The English Park, and had the most delicious dinner at Axmar Brygga Fish Restaurant.

Long Time No See... and Swedish post

Till mina svenska följare... Jag sÀljer scrapbookmaterial i fem olika Facebookgrupper. Samma saker i alla, sÄ Àr du redan medlem i en av dem...