Sunday, July 28, 2024


I decided to join Postcrossing again after a several years break. In Postcrossing you get random people/addresses to send postcards to, as well as you receive postcards from other people.

Here's my first outgoing batch:

Runes to Germany

Tram to USA

'God, our Father, on the Rainbow Fountain' in Nacka, Stockholm. This card goes to Russia. I can't believe I have never seen this before, especially since it's by Carl Milles, my favorite sculpture.(I shouldn't get into politics here, but I just need to say that I usually boycott Russia. But you have to send cards to the address you get.)

Dalecarlian horse to China. This is one of Sweden's most famous things. The tradition of carving and painting these horses started back in the 18th century.

Squirrel to Czech Republic.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Books on sale

I just told my mom that I've bought a few books on sale. She laughed. Well, yeah, I already have fifty-something unread books. But these ones screamed "buuuyyyy meeee"!

If you want to check out in English what they are about:
Grethe Boe - Mayday
Bethany Clift - Last One At The Party
Tom Vanderbilt - Beginners

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

EFIT - July 22

EFIT, Ett Foto I Timmen - A Photo An Hour, is about documenting your life on certain dates, post on your blog and share with other participants. It's one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging again (the other reason is to participate in cardmaking challenges).

Here's my yesterday. If you want to know more about EFIT, and check other participants days, you can do the here.

9AM Doing my usual morning routine before leaving bed - checking the news apps, Messenger and Facebook.

10AM My weekly weight check.

11AM Waiting for the subway.

12PM In the waiting room at the massage clinic.

1PM On the subway home.

2PM Uploading an image of jewelry I made, to Instagram.

3PM Packed a few things I sold on Facebook.

4PM Threw out all boxes I have kept for packing things I sell, from the closet and bookshelf. I will reorganize them by size so I can easily find what I need.

5PM Eating a few potatoe chips. Okay, maybe a bit more than a few...

6PM Will start using the Awesome Marketing Planner for making plans and goals for my crafts.

7PM I realized I've forgot to have dinner. Feeling hungry and want something quick, I fried an egg.

8PM The dishes doesn't do themselves.

9PM My beloved little speaker keeping me company while crafting.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

More cards again

Five new cards added to my Etsy shop. Tomorrow we will move on from birthday cards to other themes. 😊

Fly me to the moon

Nope, not the song, I don't like Frank Sinatra. I'm talking about the movie. My friend treated me to the movies today, and finally a movie that didn't disappoint me.

"Fly Me To The Moon" is supposed to be a romantic comedy. I'd say more comedy and less romance though. Scarlett Johansson does a brilliant job, I absolutely loved her part. Channing Tatum - not so much. He seems to have the same acting talent as a rock. I don't mean the actor called The Rock. I mean an actual rock. Woody Harrelson was good as always.

Monday, July 15, 2024

More cards on Etsy

 I just uploaded more birthday cards to my Etsy shop. Welcome to have a look and maybe order something. 😃

You can also purchase them directly for me instead of via Etsy. International payment via PayPal, Swedish payment via Swish.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

My Etsy shop is up and running

 I have neglected my Etsy shop for way too long. Now I have finally added a few birthday cards. I'll work on adding a lot more cards within the next few weeks. 😊

Your welcome to visit my shop at 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

No Horizon for me

Earlier this week, my friend and I went to see Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1. We both had very high expectations. How could a western movie with and by Kevin Costner get wrong? Well, besides the lenght maybe, I would find any three hours movie too long.

For us, I did get wrong. At first, I thought it was just me. I've been down and anxious lately, and thought that maybe I just couldn't concentrate on the movie because of that. But obviously that wasn't the reason, as my friend was highly disappointed, too. We couldn't feel connected to any of the characters, and some of them did a bit of bad acting as well.

Well, the movie itself being kind of plain (although a lot of violence), we could at least hope for some eye candy. We both find Kevin Costner attractive. Yeah, right. During the two hours we saw before actually leaving the movie theater (!!!) he appeared for a total of 5-10 minutes. I don't know about my friend, but my biggest benefit was Sam Worthington and Luke Wilson. The two best actors in the movie, and actually eye candy, too. 😉

Leaving the movie early, we went to Bishops Arms for a beer instead.

Monday, July 8, 2024


Today I made a commission card for my friend Chris. It's for a couple who both celebrate their 50th birthday, hence the "100". I've used paper from Ciao Bella's Indigo collection. Those papers are so gorgeous that it's impossible to not make nice cards with them.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Book no. 4 - Black Ice

After finishing my previous book in just a couple of days, This one is really good too, but you ARE able to put ut down every now and then.

Bokens svenska titel är "Det som göms i snö". HÄR kan du läsa vad den handlar om.

English titel is Black Ice, and oon THIS PAGE you can read in English what the book is about.

Monday, July 1, 2024

A must read!

I highly recommend Harlan Coben's 'Hold Tight'. I'm hardly able to put it down.

Long Time No See... and Swedish post

Till mina svenska följare... Jag säljer scrapbookmaterial i fem olika Facebookgrupper. Samma saker i alla, så är du redan medlem i en av dem...